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Monday, 7 May 2012

Oriental Flavour

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(All photos taken with Iphone 4s)

Well I'm back from my work trip to Tokyo/Hong kong/China ... Im pretty much The Queen of the Orient right now. To say I'm tired is the biggest understatement of the Universe. Im currently on a major Redbull binge just so that I can stay awake past 2 in the afternoon. However, feeling AND looking like a complete ugly troll is totally worth it. I strolled round Tokyo like a child in a sweet shop.... it was everything I'd dreamed of and more. For those that haven't been, It's a totally different kind of city to London and NYC, everyone is calm and polite and somehow everything seems to move at a leisurely pace. I tried on probably 30 pairs of novelty sunglasses in Harajuku and ate in the restaurant where Kill bill was filmed. In Hong Kong I was all about the views.... theyve even built sky scrapers into the mountains... (that shit's hardcore)and I wished Id been able to spend longer there. All in all it's been a pretty exhausting/inspiring/mind blowing but amazing trip. I even got stopped and asked to be in an advert for an alcoholic drink in Tokyo... so if anyone sees any shots of a very awkward looking blonde girl holding a can of what looked like peach schnapps and lemonade, then yeah.... that's me. Now that I'm back I have loads of well good ideas for outfit posts so stay tuned and I'll post the first one later this week (hopefully when I have de-trolled myself)...... xo

P.S While I was away I hit over 1000 followers on Fashion-Fade (not going to lie, it made me want to do the no-pants dance across Shibuya crossing) and I just want to say a massive thank you to all of my readers and followers. I take a peak at all of your blogs and it means so much to me that you take the time to follow me. You're all pretty amazing and hopefully you carry on being a follower and you don't get bored of my face. Cheers. Penny xo


  1. Your photos are AMAZING! I've always wanted to go to Tokyo so now you've just made me want to go even more! Love your stripey dress too. Also congrats on getting to 1000 followers, so amazing! I love reading your blog and your pictures are always so lovely! xx

  2. Great photographs! I've just booked my tickets to Hong Kong next month, I can't wait!

    Drea @ Drea's Junkyard

  3. wow doll sounds and looks amazing and I am sure you do not look like a troll lol. Looking forward to your outfit posts xoxo

  4. This looks so much fun, looking forward to the outfit posts! Tokyo is officially on my list of places to see before I die...thanks :) xx

  5. Love that pic of you in the bathroom! Gorgeous. Tokyo looks awesome!

  6. Great photographies!

    Théa Unknown

  7. looks like so much fun!!! and the sunglasses are adorable :) so jealous. hopefully in the near future i can go on a trip to hong kong

  8. cant wait to see more Penny :)

    shyla x

  9. Your pictures and outfits look amazing!!
    S xx

  10. Wow the photo's look amazing i am sooo jealous!! Looks like you had a fab time! What job do you do that takes you to such amazing cities like this? Love your blog btw :) xx

  11. Great photos, it looks like an amazing place to visit and shop! You look stunning in all the pictures too, love all your outfits :) xx

  12. Looks amazing - I wish I could go! Your phone case is soooo cute! x x

  13. tokyo looks amazing. i had a friend over there last year during the earthquake. but he came back to the states. hopefully i will be able to travel there someday (:

  14. your photos are really amazing! xx
